Whether your organization has within it teams of two, or teams of twenty, their ability to work together cohesively (read: teamwork) will be contingent upon five essential qualities that all successful teams boast. Here’s a look at the five essential features of successful teams.

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Fairness is achieved when all team members perceive that the task at hand is being handled fairly, and that their required contributions are reasonable and appropriate. In other words, fairness yields cooperation.


Teams are rarely successful unless each team member takes charge of his or her role in the project. When each member knows what they are responsible for, and makes the necessary choices and decisions to be sure that their part of the task is aptly carried out, teams thrive.


Teams succeed because each individual member recognizes that they can depend on their colleagues. If individual team members don’t feel confident that they can count on others in their group, there’s frankly no hope for successful teamwork.


Mistakes happen and things go awry, but nothing will ensure a lack of team cohesion more than dishonesty. Successful teams achieve their goals as a team because members remain honest with their fellows. When all members are forthcoming, even in the face of obstacles and errors, the team can then work together to overcome challenges.


While excellent teams will evolve as fairness, responsibility, reliability and honesty are exhibited; it is trust that catapults a team into an unbreakable cycle of success.  Trust takes time to develop, but by remaining focused on the prime goal of teamwork, and making fairness, responsibility, reliability and honesty your focus, trust will naturally emerge.

Dynamic Team Solutions is an established and experienced team building, executive coaching, and conflict resolution company specializing in strengthening teams, enhancing leadership, and resolving issues of business and workplace conflict.  Our team solution experts have decades of experience in helping businesses and organizations of all sizes and from coast-to-coast, to build and develop strong teams, to improve functionality and to increase productivity in the workplace.

We invite you to contact Dynamic Team Solutions today for a free team solutions consultation. We can always be reached at 818.400.5670.