(Yes, we are ready to play ball!)

The end of summer is here and with it, Baseball. Dramatic, heroic, heart-pounding.  In Los Angeles, we see Dodger playoff victories on the horizon.  But when it comes to the often-unforgiving worlds of both Business and Baseball, we should also acknowledge that no matter how talented any Player or Team may happen to be, every season and every pennant race is a marathon, not a sprint, and outside support and coaching are essential.      

“A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life.”- John Wooden

As creatures of habit, when faced with a new challenge, most of us rely on a few go-to tricks we’ve reliably employed before.  The problem is, each person and situation is unique, and when we keep with our tried and true, we can fail to understand that new tactics, tools, and a new strategy may be needed to get back on track and back in the Game.   Oftentimes our struggles come as we reach new heights in our career.  When we are seen as having the answers, or are expected to manage or mentor others, or are faced with the need to resolve people issues beyond our own.  These challenges require different skills, and until they are learned, setbacks and individual struggles will be a part of reality.

But there is also an often-over-looked silver-lining.  A setback may be the organically necessary element for a successful evolution.  This is where coaching can save the day, save the season, and save careers from losses that don’t need to happen.  A good coach provides key insights into our own skills, and our weak spots.  And as Players, when we become more open, accessible, and amenable to experienced, attentive, and intuitive coaching–which is often reliably more alert to our own strengths and weaknesses than we are—that is exactly the time when we’re most ready for our breakthrough.

As we progress in our careers – and make our way to the Big League – we need to up our game.  We need to work with a coach to learn new tactics and tools, and we need to commit to a new evolution in our own business game.

“No matter how good you are, you’re going to lose one-third of your games. No matter how bad you are, you’re going to win one-third of your games. It’s the other third that makes the difference.”- Tommy Lasorda  

Coaching is the key to winning that crucial third. Let us help you to start scoring those runs.